Kale: Eight Reasons it’s a Superfood
If there’s one food that continues to get fantastic press pretty much across the board, it’s kale. Even with a recent study showing that it might not be quite so terrific for you when raw, and in large amounts, kale remains of great interest. Why? Because it’s…
Iron Rich:
One tends to think of liver, beef and fish as being high in iron… In fact, though, kale has more iron per calorie than beef! Iron is essential to your body for cell growth, liver function, the formation of haemoglobin & enzymes, and for moving oxygen round.
High in Vitamin A
It always strikes us as odd that vitamins have such bizarrely disparate responsibilities in the body. As an example, your low-light vision requires vitamin A… And so does the lining of your nose! On top of that, vitamin A aids your immune system in its fight against infection, and helps keep your skin healthy.
High in Vitamin C
Vitamin C often seems to be in the spotlight for its role in boosting your immune system… So much so that its other jobs get forgotten. In fact, vitamin C helps keep the cells in your body healthy, while maintaining blood vessels, cartilage, skin & bones. It also plays a part in healing wounds.
High in Vitamin K
While vitamin K may help protect against cancer – the research is inconclusive – it certainly facilitates numerous functions in your body. For one thing, it plays a role in clotting your blood and keeping your bones healthy. For another, research suggests it aids your bone and brain health, with Alzheimer’s being a subject of particular interest.
Low in Fat
An 80g portion of kale has a very low calorie count… And next to no fat! It also contains about 2g of fibre. This makes it useful in aiding digestion.
Fighting Inflammation
Kale contains omega-3 fatty acids which means – on top of everything else – it could help prevent any of the conditions associated with inflammation. This list includes Alzheimer’s, arthritis, acne, cancer, chronic pain, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, and Type 2 Diabetes. You can find out a lot about inflammation in our two Info Sheets on the subject… Take a look at them: Inflammation-Quiet-Danger & Fight-Inflammation
Full of Antioxidants
If you’ve ever wondered what makes tomatoes, kale and carrots red, green and orange respectively then you might be pleased to hear the answer: carotenoids! Kale has more than its fair share of this antioxidant, along with flavonoids. That’s excellent news since evidence suggests they help prevent cancers.
Magnesium Rich
Have you read our Info Sheet on this? If so, you might recall how some estimates suggest that up to 75% of people are magnesium deficient. That would explain why so many people have aching muscles, headaches high blood pressure, muscle cramps, nausea, anxiety, fatigue and more… To discover its full importance, take a look at this: Magnesium-Essentials
Be Careful!
One word of warning! As with any opinion on health, it’s important to see this information in context. Like most food, too much kale can be bad for you – all things in moderation! Some reports also suggest that you’re better off cooking kale so as not to impair thyroid function.
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